FAW 56011 – 12V – 60Ah | ||
Kurzbezeichnung – HKB |
Batterie-Kapazität [Ah] |
Kälteprüfstrom EN [A] | ||
Polanordnung / Schaltung |
Endpolart |
Bodenleistenausführung |
Länge [mm] |
Breite [mm] |
Höhe [mm] |
Spannung [V] |
Diese Batterie im schwarzen Gehäuse wird gefüllt und geladen versendet.
Erklärung: | |
Polanordnung = 0 | Pluspol auf der rechten Seite der Batterie |
Polanordnung = 1 | Pluspol auf der linken Seite der Batterie |
Bodenleiste = B00 | keine Bodenleiste |
Bodenleiste = B01 | Bodenleiste vorne und hinten |
Bodenleiste = B13 | Bodenleiste vorne, hinten, teilweise links und rechts |
Die Batterietype 56011 – 12V 60Ah wird zu 80% in Handarbeit gefertigt. Diese Batterie im schwarzen Gehäuse ist ein besonderer Blickfang und ein Muss für jeden Oldtimerliebhaber der sein Fahrzeug bis ins Detail restauriert.
Baughman Mfg.Co., Jerseyville, Ill./USA
Spreadmobile Ice
Control Spreader 1952/62
Spreadmobile Spreader 1956/65
K 5 SC-Spreader 1956/65
Bedford, The Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Luton, Beds./ England
J2 LC2, J3 LC 2, J4 LC 2 1960/62
J2 LC 7, J3 LC 7 1962/65
J4 LC 1, C4 LC 1 1962/65
J 5 LC2, KCC 2 1962/65
Auto-Neige Bombardier Ltd. Valcourt, Quebec/ Kanada
Muskeg-M-61 1961/65
Buick Motor Div., General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich./USA
Skylark 4300 1963/65
Special 400,
Special Deluxe 4100,
Rivera 4700 1964/65
J.I. Case Company, Burlington, Iowa/ USA
W-3 1960/64
W-5 G 1959/62
W-5 G 1963/65
W-5 D 1959/62
W-5 D 1963/65
W-5 AD 1960/62
W-5 AD 1963/65
W-5 AG 1960/62
W-5 AG 1963/65
311 B 1958/59
320 1960/61
320 diesel 1959/60
410 B, 411 B 1958/59
420 B, 420 BD 1958/60
420 C 1961/62
M 420 1959/60
430 gasoline 1955/65
440, 441 1960/62
500 B, 510 B, 511 B 1958/59
530 SL 1963/65
540, 540 C, 541, 541 C 1960/65
600B, 610B, 611B, 614B 1958/59
642, 642 C 1960/65
Crawler Tractors
310 1958
310 C, 310 D 1959/60
310 E gasoline 1961/62
310 F gasoline 1963/65
320 1959
420, 420 B 1959
20 C gasoline 1961/62
Industrial Equipment
98 gasoline 1963
Caterpillar Tractor Co. Peoria, Ill./USA
D6 1959/61
D7 1960/61
D8 1960/61
619 Eng. Starting 1959/61
933 1960/61
955 1960/61
977 1960/61
966 diesel 1960/63
D7 1962/63
D6 1963/65
824 1963/65
834 1963/65
988 1963/65
12, 14, 112 1960/61
944 A 1960/61
922, 933, 988 gasoline strated 1965
DW15, -20, -21 1960/61
630 1960/63
631 1962/65
641 1962/65
650 1962/65
651 1962/65
657 1962/65
660 1962/65
666 1962/65
D 8 H gasoline eng. Started 1965/66
D 9 G gasoline eng. Started 1965/66
Checkers Motor Corp. Kalamazoo, Mich. /USA
Tous les modèles 1963/65
Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich./USA
Biscayne, -Fleetmaster, Bel Air,
Impala, Brookwood, Parkwood,
Nomad 1960/64
Biscayne, -Fleetmaster, Bel Air,
Impala, Brookwood, Parkwood,
Nomad with airconditioning ab 1965
Chevrolet Eight
Biscayne, -Fleetmaster, Bel Air,
Impala, Brookwood, Parkwood,
Nomad 1960/65
V8- 27 CV all Models 1960/65
Corvette 1960/62
V8-27 /250 1962/65
V8-27 /300 1962/65
V8-34 /380 1962/65
V8-34 /409 1962/65
Corvette 27/250 1962/65
Corvette 27/300 1962/65
Corvette 27/340 1962/65
Corvette 27/360 1962/65
Corvette Sting Ray 1962/65
V8 27 u. 34CV 1964/65
Chevrolet Caprice 1966
Task Force Series 1955
All models 1956/57
All other models 1958/65
School Bus
Alles Typen 1958/62
Chrysler Div. Chrysler Corp., Detroit 31, Mich. /USA
Newport 1962
300 1962
New Yorker 1962
300 H 1962
Newport 1964
300 1964
A. André Citroën, Paris XV/Frankreich
DS 21 1965/66
DS 19 1965/66
HYP-IN-1500 1965
Cockshott Farm Equipment, Brantford /Kanada
540 gasoline 1961/62
550 gasoline 1958/62
570 gasoline 1958/62
SP 431 1961/65
SP 423 u. 424 1960/65
SP 430 1965
SP 431 1965
SP 525 1965
SP 535 1965
SP 545 1965
Dodge Div. Chrysler Corp., Detroit 31, Mich. USA
M6-D100, M6-D200,
M6-D300, M6-P300,
M6-P400, M6-W100,
M6-W200, M6-W300M 1959
M8-D100, M8-D400,
M8-D500, M8-P300,
M8-P400, M8-W100,
M8-W200, M8-W300,
M8-W500 1959
M8-C500, M8-C600,
M8-D600 1959
M6-D400, M6-D500
M6-W300, M6-S400,
M6-S500 1959
M6-S600, M6-W500 1959
M8-D700, M8-C700,
M8-T700 1959
M8-D800, M8-T800 1959
M8-D900, M8-T900 1959
P6-D100, P6-D200 1960
P6-D300, P6-P300 1960
P6-P400, P6-W100 1960
P6-W200, P6-WM300 1960
P8-D100, P8-D200,
P8-D300, P8-D400,
P8-D500, P8-D600,
P8-C500, P8-P300,
P8-P400, P8-W100,
P8-W200, P8-W300,
P8-P500, 1960
P6-D400, P6-D500,
P6-W300 1960
P6-W500 1960
P8-C600 1960
P8-D700, P8-C700
P8-CT700, P8-C800
P8-CT800 1960
P8-C900, P8-CT900 1960
P8-C1000 1960
P6-NCT900 1960
P6-NC1000, P6-NCT1000 1960
R6-D100, R6-D200,
R6-D300, R6-P200
R6-P300, R6-W100
R6-W200 1961
R8-D100, R8-D200
R8-D300, R8-D400
R8-D500, R8-D600
R8-C500, R8-W100
R8-W200, R8-W300
R8-W500 1961
R6-D400, R6-D500 1961
R6-P400, R6-W300
R6-WM300, R7-W500
R8-C600 1961
R8-D700, R8-C700 1961
R8-C800, R8-CT700
R8-CT800, R8-C900
R8-CT900 1961
R8-C1000 1961
R6-NC900, R6-NCT800 1961
R6-NCT900, R6-NC1000
R6-NCT1000 1961
S6-D100, S6-D200
S6-D300, S6P-P200,
S6-P300, S6-W100,
S6-W200 1962
S8-D100, S8-D200
S8-D300, S8-D400
S8-D500, S8-D600
S8-C500, S8-W100
S8-W200, S8-W300,
S8-W500 1962
S6-D400, S6-D500
S6-P400, S6-W300
S6-WM300, S7-W500 1962
S8-C600 1962
S8-D700, S8-C700
S8-C800, S8-ST700
S8-CT800 1962
S8-C900, S8-CT-900 1962
S8-C1000 1962
S6-KC800, S6-KC900 1962
S6-KCT800, S6-KCT900
S6-NC900, S6-NCT800 1962
S6-NCT900, S6-NC1000
S6-NCT1000 1962
A-100 1964/65
D-100, D-200, D-300,
D-400, D-500, P-200,
C-500, D-600, C-600
P-300, P-400, W-100,
W-200, W-300, W-500 1963/65
WM-300 1963/65
PD-500, PD600, PC-500
PC-600 1963/65
CT-700, CT-800, C-800 1963/65
C-900, CT-900, C-1000 1963/65
NCT-800, NC-900, NCT-900 1963/65
NC-1000, NCT-1000 1963/65
NL-1000, NLT-1000 1963/65
Coronet MD1-L 1959
Coronet MD2-L 1959
Sierra MD3-L 1959
Royal MD3-M 1959
Custom Royal MD3-H 1959
Dart Seneca PD3-L 1960
Dart Pioneer PD3-M 1960
Dart Phoenix PD3-H 1960
Dart Seneca PD4-L 1960
Dart Pioneer PD4-M 1960
Dart Phoenix PD4-H 1960
Dodge Matador PD1-L 1960
Dodge Polara PD2-H 1960
Lancer 170 RL1-L 1961
Lancer 770 RL1-H 1961
Dart Seneca RD3-L 1961
Dart Pioneer RD3-M 1961
Dart Phoenix RD-3H 1961
Dart Seneca RD4-L 1961
Dart Pioneer RD4-M 1961
Dart Phoenix RD4-H 1961
Dodge Polara RD1-L 1961
Polara 500 SD 2-P 1962
Dodge Polara 500 TD 2-P 1963
Dodge 880 TA 3-E 1963
Dodge Custom 880 TA 3-L 1963
Dodge 880 VA 3-E 1964
Dodge Custom 880 VA 3-L 1964
Tracteurs F.A.R., Gennevilliers (Seine)/Frankreich
26.F 1957/62
Ferrari Automobili S.p.A.Modena/ Italien
330 GT 1963/65
250 GT Berlinetta 1964/65
Berlinatta 250 Le Mans 1964/65
500 Superfast 1964/65
275 G.T.B. 1965/66
275 G.T.S. 1965/66
Intern. Harvester Export Co., Chicago 1, Ill./ USA
173FC, 183 FC 1962/64
141 1954/59
Self-Propelled Threshers and Cotton Pickers
All Models 1959/61
U-308 1956/63
UB-220 1959/63
UB-264 1959/63
UC-221 1959/63
UC-263 1958/63
Farmall 460, 460 HC 1958/62
Farmall 460, 460 LPG 1958/62
International 460
Utility, -LPG 1958/61
Farmall 560, 560 LPG 1958/62
International 560 1958/62
International 606 LP 1962/65
International 2606 LP 1962/65
ISO Rivolta,S.p.A.Automoveicoli, Bresso (Milano)/ Italien
IR-300 1962/65
IR-340 1963/65
ISO Grifon A 3L. –A 3 C 1963/64
GL 300 1965/66
GL 365 Cruso 1965/66
Isuzu Motor Co. Ltd. Tokyo/ Japan
PS Series Gasoline 1960/62
Officine A. Maserati, Modena/ Italien
Maserati 3500 2 Posti 1964/65
2 Posti Spider 1964/66
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Tokyo/ Japan
(L) G680 1966
Nissan Patrol 60 1966
-Carrier 4 W 73 1966
-Patrol WG 60 1966
-Patrol G 60 1966
Plymouth Division, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit 31, Mich./ USA
Olden Commando
361/305 HP 1960
Sano Ramic Commando 1960
Golden Commando
435, 383/330 HP, 425 1960
Sano Ramic Commando
460, 383/330 HP 1960
Golden Commando 30/305
32/330, 30/325 1961
Golden Commando &
Sport Fury 30/305 1962
Power Pack 30/265 1963
Golden Commando 32/330 1963
V8 High Performance 32/320 1963
32/325 1963
36/370 1963
36/375 1963
36/415 1963
36/425 1963
Pontiac Motor Division, General Motors Corporation, Pontiac11, Mich./USA
Pontiac Six Canadian,
Strato Chief, Laurentian,
Parisienne 1960/65
V8 Canadian Laurentian,
arisienne 1960/65
Catalina 1960/65
Ventura 1960/65
Star Chief 1960/65
Bonneville 1960/65
Grand Prix 1962/65
Rambler Division, American Motors Corporation, Detroit 32, Mich./USA
Ambassador V8 1958/62
Classic Six, -Deluxe,
-Super, -Cutom 1961/65
Classic V8, -Deluxe,
-Super, -Cutom 1961/65
American 400 1962/65
Classic Six 400 1962/65
American 200, 220, 330,
440, 440H 1963/65
Classic Six 550, 660, 770 1963/65
V8 Ambassador 880, 990, 990H 1963/65
Rambler Renault Classic 1962/65
Rambler Marlin 1965/66
Trojan Div., Yale & Town Inc.,Batavia, New York/ USA
IH UB-240 Gas 1963
IH UB-240 Gas 1960
IH UB-264 Gas 1960
IH UB-264 Gas 1960
Modell124 A
IH UB-264 Diesel 1963
IH UB-264 Gas 1963
Hercules G-3400 Gas 1963
Mode164 A
Hercules G-3400 Gas 1965
Hercules GO-339 Gas 1959
Hercules G-3400 Gas 1962
Mode204 A
IH U-372 Gasolin 1963
The White Motor Company, Cleveland 1, Ohio/ USA
1500, 2000
3014, 3015
3014 W, 3015W
3020, 3022
3026, 302264
4264 S
4400D 4446D
9064, 30260H
WC 20
42640H, 90640H
4400DOH, 4464 DOH
1500 T, 2000 T, 2900 T
3020 PLT
3000 T
3400 TD, 3462 TDP
4200 T, 4264 T
4200 TS
4400 TD, 4462 TDP
4464 TD, 5400 TD
5464 TD, 5462 TDP
9000 T, 9064 T
9000 TS
9062 TDP
2000 BA
2700 B
2700 BV